BIOTRONIK and Egg Medical Form Strategic Alliance to Improve Radiation Protection for Interventional Healthcare Workers
LAKE OSWEGO, Oregon, United States – BIOTRONIK, a global leader in cardiovascular, endovascular, and neuromodulation...
EggNest™ 360: Nurses/Technicians
Calling all nurses, technicians, echo cardiographers, and anesthesiologists working in fluoroscopy-guided procedure...
EggNest: Protecting Everyone, In Every Case
“Saying you would not do everything possible to protect healthcare workers is nuts” – Mark Goodwin, MD. Are you a...
Occupational Risks of Cardiac Interventionists: Cataracts and Brain Malignancies
Cardiac interventionists and others who work in the catheterization lab face occupational risks caused by radiation...
Patient BMI and Scatter Radiation Dose
As the prevalence of obesity in the general population of the U.S. increases, we consistently observe a rise in...
Greater Radiation Risks in Women
Radiation exposure is a major concern for women considering a career in cardiology, as it has been consistently cited...
Steps You Can Take Today to Reduce Your Radiation Exposure
Radiation exposure is one of the most dangerous occupational hazards for cath lab workers, with interventional teams...
Are There Early Indicators of Excess Scatter Radiation Exposure?
You may not know that Interventional teams have some of the highest radiation exposure out of all other professions. ...
Scatter Matters: The Radiation Problem
Many interventional procedures in the cardiac catheterization laboratory use x-ray fluoroscopy, which requires the...
Reducing Radiation for Echocardiographers and Electrophysiologists
Behind the scenes of the field of Interventional Cardiology lies an often-overlooked danger: radiation exposure. While...